Niagara Stealth Tops “2010 Innovative Water Efficient Products” List

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New 0.8 GPF Ultra-High-Efficiency Stealth™ Toilet Offers Lowest GPF and Highest Water Savings on the Market

Cedar Knolls, NJ – May 2010 – At the Second International Emerging Technology Symposium, John Koeller of Koeller and Co. and Bill Gauley of Veritec Consulting presented “2010’s Top 5 New and Innovative Water Efficient Products,” and named Niagara Conservation’s Stealth toilet as number one on that list. Niagara Conservation’s Stealth ultra-high-efficiency toilet is EPA WaterSense® certified, and the first and only toilet available with the ability to achieve a powerful, quiet single flush using just 0.8 gallons of water. The symposium, held in Ontario, Calif. on May 11 and 12, was co-convened by the International Association of Plumbing & Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) and the World Plumbing Council and attended by leading minds in water efficiency, plumbing, and mechanical technology from around the globe.

An article in IAPMO’s Green Newsletter recapped Gauley and Koeller’s presentation at the symposium noting, “Niagara’s 0.8 GPF Stealth goes a step beyond the standard water-saving toilets available on the market. The patented system uses the energy created by water filling and falling in the tank during a flush cycle in addition to the actual flush volume to help evacuate all waste in the bowl. Field-testing has been successfully completed in Ontario, Canada and is currently underway in Southern California.”

Gauley and Koeller’s synopsis of the product’s functionality and performance mirrors Niagara Conservation’s explanation of the product. Activated by simply pressing the push button to clear all waste in the bowl, Niagara’s Stealth toilet has eliminated the need for double flushing or dual flush systems. The technologically advanced Stealth’s water and utility bill savings surpass standard water- saving toilets, using 37 percent less water per flush than a standard 1.28 gallon high-efficiency toilet (HET). Compared to the average use of older 3.5 gallons per flush (GPF) toilets, Stealth can save up to 20,000 gallons of water per year, which translates to $101 per year on water usage and $1,013 in its lifetime, depending on the wastewater rate.

The article in IAPMO’s Green Newsletter also notes that the authors (Gauley and Koeller) have no special interest, financial or otherwise, in the products, technologies, companies, or organizations manufacturing, promoting, or selling the products described in their “Top 5” presentation. The presentation was created to identify those products that, in the authors’ opinion, are innovative, and likely to result in substantial water savings.

To qualify for consideration by Gauley and Koeller, the products had to meet the following criteria:

  • Indoor water use reduction
  • Residential and non-residential applications
  • Generally available in the marketplace
  • Field or laboratory – “real world” preferred
  • Can be a new approach to an old application
  • Potential for significant, long-term impact
  • Water use can be determined
  • A product, technology, or program
  • No “ideas” or undeveloped products
  • Regional or all of North America
  • Potable or non-potable water

Gauley and Koeller’s results were determined by the following criteria:

  • Work with manufacturers & industry leaders
  • Feedback from water utilities & water efficiency practitioners
  • Laboratory and field testing by Veritec, Koeller, & others
  • Interviews with other stakeholders such as Green building advocates, WaterSense® implementation team members and facilities managers and property owners

Perhaps what makes this toilet top the list is the patented hydraulic and water-saving technology behind Stealth, which involves a remarkable combination of air and water working in unison to deliver a cleaner and more reliable flush. Also, because Stealth technology maintains pressure in the toilet’s trapway instead of the tank, it produces a remarkably quiet flush without residual noise. In addition, the Stealth features a sleek, stylish design and is easy to install. The system is also capable of functioning efficiently at varying water pressure levels and has no expensive parts to replace.

“We’re honored to be included in this list of the ‘Top 5 New and Innovative Water Efficient Products for 2010’. We are proud to offer plumbing wholesalers and contractors, utilities and all our other customers the most efficient and only 0.8 GPF toilet on the planet,” states Carl Wehmeyer, Niagara Conservation’s executive vice president.

With a history of more than 33 years of quality and innovation, Niagara Conservation has earned an unparalleled reputation as the premier manufacturer of high-efficiency water and energy conservation products. Niagara is the leading developer of complete conservation solutions for plumbing professionals, utility companies, government leaders, energy management officials and environmentally conscious consumers. Founder and President William Cutler established Niagara in 1974, and the company is still family owned, headquartered in Cedar Knolls, New Jersey, with satellite offices in California, Texas, Arkansas, Florida, North Carolina and an affiliate company in Toronto. Niagara also serves a global client base.


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